As organiser of the co-located WebCamp workshop on social network portability, I am happy to announce two invited talks by experts from the fields of the social web and the Semantic Web.
- Ajit Jaokar is a mobile web pioneer and a researcher on identity and reputation in social networks at University College London. Ajit is founder and CEO of FutureText publishing, and his latest book was entitled "Mobile Web 2.0". Ajit is also a member of the RSA and of the web2.0 workgroup. Currently, he plays an advisory role to a number of mobile startups in the UK and in Scandinavia.
- Dan Brickley is a Semantic Web advocate and researcher. He joined the W3C in 1999 to help establish the Semantic Web project. In 2000, he co-founded the FOAF project, and he has been working on interconnecting the social web ever since. Post-W3C, Dan has been working as a part-time contractor at Joost, is active in the open standards world, and he serves as a visiting fellow at the University of Bristol.