Let's face it: Web 2.0 is all about advertising


Michael Breidenbrücker
Co-Founder, Lovely Systems
Co-Founder, Last.fm Ltd.


Michael Breidenbrücker is co-founder of Lovely Systems and was also co-founder and director of Last.fm Ltd. He has been actively involved in interactive digital media since 1999 and is widely recognised for his expertise in the areas of interaction design and product development. Lovely Systems is a web technologies company providing localised video portals serving hundreds of gigabytes of video each day, powered by Zope / Plone-based systems and REST services. Their latest service is Zoomer.de, which was launched in February 2008. Last.fm was incorporated in 2002 as an internet radio station and music community website, and the related Audioscrobbler music recommendation system was fully merged into Last.fm in 2005. Last.fm's unique approach to integrating the areas of music distribution, online radio and social software won it many awards in Europe and the USA, and soon brought the company to the attention of the global media. The company was acquired by CBS Interactive in May 2007. Michael also has close links to academia. He headed the Masters program in Interactive Digital Media at Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication in London and is still connected with several research projects. Michael lives with his family in Dornbirn, a city in Vorarlberg, Austria.